Thursday, April 2, 2015


The Henbit is abloom in the wheat stubble across the road from our kids home. Made a mental note and painted it with oil and palette knife. 


Monday, August 18, 2014

The Merrill Ranch

I attended a field day with my husband near Sun City, Ks. The Merrill Ranch covers 17,000 acres. It was beautiful due to 19 " of rain since June. I painted a 6x6" oil of my impression of those large vistas with deep ravines. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Good Day

One of those clear sky, windless days in Kansas where you can see for miles. Love the way the cheat grass takes on a pinkish tint as it drys. These trees survived the drought, I have seen many that didn't. This summer has been very mild in comparison to the last 3. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Show at Bethany Home

Spent the afternoon hanging paintings in the hall of Bethany Home in Lindsborg. Nice that they have allowed a hall for rotating artwork for the residents, staff aand family. Lindsborg, Kansas is an art community. They have the Birger Sandzen Gallery and the Lester Raymer Red Barn Studio and numerous artists living and working in the area. Bethany College has always had a strong art program.

Cow 68 Where Are You

Me and my steer are headed to the Hutchinson Art Center. It's time for the members show. This was painted in oil with a palette knife from a photo I took in the flint hills. They had just turn all these steers out to graze and they were so curios about the painters in there pasture they just couldn't stay away. This guy had an ear tag with 68 on it thus the cornie title. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wild rivers

The river is up in the canyon with all the rain. I spent some time painting and photographing. Was not successful but think I know how I would approach this subject next time. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer time

Summer is a crazy time for me. We travel more and I
am not consistant with posting. I have taken two workshops. One with Lisa Grossman and one with Jean Cook. I find that both have added new direction to my painting. If it wasn't for photographing my work I would post more often. I find that to be the hardest part. 
I have also taken in many galleries this year. Most recently we went to the Sandzen to see Kim Casebeers' paintings. Amazing and wonderful Kansas landscapes.